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2:40 p.m. - 2004-12-21
Dear Universe: Whyyyy?
Why. Whyyyy do you hate me, universe? What did I ever do to you? Nothing! I never treated you with anything but the utmost respect. And what do I get in return? This act of unfathomable cruelty that only the evilest of minds could have cooked up.

Actually, my mother predicted it.

It was announced yesterday that there would be a second big event in 2005. In addition to the impending nuptuals, Harry Potter Six is due to be published! I went to bed last night full of glee at the notion, waiting patiently for the publication date to be announced this morning.

My mother, evil as she is, asked what I would do if it came out the same day as my wedding.


Freaking 364 days in the entire freaking year where I would be able to make time to read the new Harry Potter. ONE DAY in the ENTIRE YEAR where I am going to have a hard time finding the time. And what day is the freaking book coming out?

You guessed it! July 16, 2005.

It has been pointed out to me that there's plenty of time during the day. After all, I have to sit and have my hair done, right? And there's all that driving time. My sister suggested that perhaps we could have dramatic readings instead of toasts.

But I still don't think I'm going to manage to finish the whole book before the wedding. Which means I am going to be required to make the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE and Jamie will NEVER AGAIN be allowed to question my committment to him. Ever. Because this, people, is the ultimate sacrifice.

However, when it comes to the gift opening the day after? All bets are off.


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