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2:11 a.m. - 2004-12-29
iLove iPod
This entry feels like it's approximately three years behind the times, but that's often the state of affairs these days. I have just recently gotten totally hooked on Entertainment Weekly, which, hello, get with the times - everyone else in the universe who likes that sort of thing has been reading that magazine for years, but here I am, late to the party and all "hi guys! What are you doing? Can I play? What's that? Who are you?" and everyone's rolling their eyes and thinking I'm totally lame but are too polite to say so.

But I don't care if I'm late to the party, because oh my GOD my iPod freaking RULES. Jesus Mary and Joseph, I love this thing more than it is reasonable to love any little inanimate object that I've only owned for four days.

Today I went out and bought (along with approximately one million shirts and some socks) new earphones and a tape player adaptor for the car, and now that the earphones no longer hurt my ears (earbuds and I are not on speaking terms), I am listening to my tunes all the time in the house, walking to my car, trundling around. And now! I just plug it in in the car and I never have to listen to the radio EVER AGAIN! It rules so hard I can't even believe it. I rocked out on the way home from Jamie's tonight, listening to the Simpsons CD that his brother and sister-in-law got me for Christmas, and then I decided I wanted a little of something else so I just clicked a button (while at a red light) and bam, I had something else!

I have always liked having good music in the car, but I've never had anything but a tape player. And try though I do to have a decent collection of tapes in there, I'm usually far too lazy to make copies of my CDs, and so the music in the car is very limited and horribly out of date. I'm totally sick of everything on the radio, and the choices here are pretty limited anyway. So this is just an entire universe opening up when it comes to car rocking out. The Raisin's car has a CD player, and there is always far higher quality of rocking out in her car, but no longer will Spud's rocking out potential so far outclass Rosie's!

So if you see a girl rocking out in a green Neon while driving around Edmonton, it's probably me. Because I am loving this iPod even more than I thought I would, and I never in a million years thought that would be possible. It's making me want to walk places just so I can listen to it! I'm hoping to go to the gym just to hang out and enjoy all the songs at my fingertips!

This thing is magic!


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