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2:09 a.m. - 2005-05-30
All Wedding, All the Time
T-minus-47 days, a fact which is virtually impossible to ignore if you want to spend any time on the internet nerding out about Harry Potter. Go away, helpful animated countdowns to my wedding day! You aren't helping with the stress level.

But, remarkably, the stress level, it ain't so bad. I have had a few really stupid freakouts, including one yesterday where I got really mad at Jamie for thinking my parents friends were just coworkers, which...who cares? It was totally because I was having a slight meltdown over numbers, but I have since settled down on the subject and am generally feeling ok about the slightly obscene number of people we're inviting to the wedding. It's not like an extra ten people coming to the wedding is suddenly going to turn this from a perfectly reasonably priced affair into an Expensive Event, because let me tell you, it's already Expensive.

Anyway. I've already forgotten what else I got mad about, which tells you approximately how important it was. But generally, I'm doing pretty well. I haven't cried over anything wedding-related yet, and I'm only having about one wedding dream a week. I think that's quite reasonable, actually.

The realities are starting to happen, though. Invitations are sent, and the replies are starting to come back. (If you like instant gratification, don't mail your wedding invitations on the Friday before a long weekend. We only got two back in the mail last week.) I'm hoping that people are decent with the RSVPs - there was an article in the paper today about how bad people are about replying to invitations, and I'm hoping to avoid having to go kung-fu on too many people. We got our license last week, and it involved raising our hands and swearing and everything. (Well, Jamie swore to God, and I did some thing where I said something or other about telling the truth, but it didn't involve God.) I'm not really sure why our religions are relevant to the government, but it was nice that they had a non-God way to swear. (The word that they used for it has slipped my mind.)

Jamie is being generally awesome and useful, which I gather is somewhat unusual in the realm of the groom. He is doing the majority of the work at the moment, and lets me be stupid without getting mad at me, and is quite agreeable to setting up a registry at the sister store of our main registry, which means I get to register for the pretty dishes I want and possibly also a ridiculous appliance or two. Come on. A SNOW CONE MACHINE? That's just awesome.

After the excellent wedding of Canoegirl and Methos last weekend, we are officially the next ones up, and I'm starting to get really excited. At the same time, though, it seems totally unreal. I can't believe I'm getting married in 47 days. I'm sitting here listening to our processional, which I am SO HAPPY we picked (ok, I picked and made Jamie arrange), and I still can't really imagine myself walking down the aisle to it in just under seven weeks. (Man, it is awesome, though. I am super excited about our brass quintet.) I've had a dress fitting (and I am also very excited about my dress!), I've had my hair trial (and it looked awesome and stayed up like crazy, so my hairdresser officially kicks ass), and we've done all this stuff to make it real and I'm still not quite managing to believe it. I don't think I'm going to believe it after we're married, even. (I spent most of the time the Raisin and I were in Disneyland saying I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE IN DISNEYLAND! Which was probably incredibly annoying, but I really couldn't believe it!) Jamie kind of rolls his eyes at my frequent (and loud) disbelief, but he's being very tolerant. Which is good. I can't imagine being totally in charge of all the wedding planning at this point - I think I'd be losing my mind.

I could very easily turn my journal into a to-do list, which I'm trying to avoid, but the list is starting to get smaller. We'll see how it goes between now and 47 days from now. Stay tuned for possible freakouts and potential breakdowns. I've actually decided that boring be damned, I should really have some sort of record of the whole process of being married, so I've started a list of all the things I want to write about. The wedding madness is going to get ramped up a notch around here, so if you want to avoid me until August some time, I won't be offended. (I might cry, though. I am now 90% sure I'm going to cry at the wedding, despite frequent bragging that I wasn't going to.) Between the awesome vows (we're using the Book of Common Prayer, which includes such excellent words as "betwixt" and "troth." Hi, I'm a nerd.), the brass quintet playing some of my favourite music in the whole world, and all the fantastic people who are coming from all over the world to come to our wedding, I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose it. Oh, and the fantastic guy I'm going to marry might have something to do with that too. Just the thought of that makes me a little sniffly sometimes.

But don't tell anybody I said that, or I might have to beat you up. I have my tough girl reputation to uphold, you know.


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