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10:58 p.m. - 2005-06-25
One loan period to go!
A big event in the countdown to the wedding occurred today. Fortunately, it was one that I thought of beforehand, so I didn't have a total meltdown when I got to work and had to check out a book that was due back on the 16th of July.

That's right, folks. We're officially one library book loan period away from the wedding.

We're now deep into playing the numbers game. (Well, I am. I suspect Jamie actually doesn't care all that much.) We're right on the cusp of having to rearrange the seating plan, and we're waiting on a few straggling RSVPs, but once those come in we can really get going. I just did a preliminary run at the table order, and it's looking pretty good overall, I think. Hell, I get to sit with fun people, what do I care?

My shower was last weekend, and it was really fun. Surreal, but fun. There was some awkwardness at the beginning, but it dissipated quickly and I managed to enjoy myself and get a crapload of really awesome presents, which is always a delightful combination. It was kind of peculiar to have that particular mix of people there - it's funny how you kind of separate people into different segments of your brain. It's easy to get confused when those segments suddenly start getting mixed up. I'm sure the wedding will only be worse for that.

Jamie is at his stag right now - it's early because of the long weekend and a conflict the week before the wedding. I'm hoping he's getting suitably drunk, but it was kind of a low-key evening, so I don't know how rowdy he's going to be. Alas. There will be no such problem at my stagette - I fully intend to be extremely rowdy. And drunk.

And so, time marches on. The thing that's really hanging over my head is this whole moving thing. I am kind of sticking my head in the sand over it - I REALLY don't feel like packing, and organizing, and cleaning. Bleah. Fortunately, Diana isn't moving, so we don't have to scrub the whole place top to bottom, but I still have a ton of crap to pack. And it's going to be very sad to not be living with Diana any more. She has seriously been the greatest roommate in the universe. I haven't got a single solitary complaint about living with her. And after 11 months, I think that's pretty freaking impressive.

So, Jamie, you've got a lot to live up to. I guess we'll find out if you're up to it.


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