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2:03 a.m. - 2003-03-11
I'm job hunting. Yeah, I have a job right now, and it rules, but it's part time and doesn't pay that great and has virtually no opportunity for advancement. Graduation is looming large, so today I threw myself into the job hunt with gusto. I sent out at least 20 emails with inquiries, and applied for quite a few jobs.

I was reading my Edmonton Media Guide to look for possible leads, and I stumbled across the Edmonton Oilers Magazine listing. Figured I had nothing to lose, hopped over to the website, and clicked on the general application that you can fill out to be informed of possible suitable jobs in the future.

And they asked me what made me unique. After some consultation with spygirl, I came up with something that I think is pretty good. So I thought I'd record it for posterity.

What makes me unique? I could get into a debate about whether anyone is truly unique, or whether simply by being unique, that makes me not unique, but I'll spare you. You look at me, and you see a girl passionate about everything to do with reading and writing. A girl who reads almost nothing but children's literature, due only in part to the fact that she works in a children's bookstore. A girl who loves music in almost every form, and sings her heart out twice a week at choir rehearsal. A girl who is a full on Internet geek, quick and proficient in using her computer. A girl who has occasionally been known to beat published writers at Scrabble. A girl who is incredibly proud of that particular fact.

You look at this girl, and you expect her to be the quiet nerdy type. You'd be wrong. You look at this girl, and you think she wouldn't know what offside was if it hit her in the face. You'd be wrong. You look at this girl, and you sincerely doubt she devours the stats page of the Sports section quite religiously. You'd be wrong.

You look at this girl, and you expect anything but a Sports fanatic. You look at this girl, and you seriously can't believe she'd ever scream at the television at the top of her lungs or write to a hockey team to fax to Dallas in the middle of a playoff series. You look at this girl and you can't believe she moved to Canada at the age of seven and hasn't stopped being passionate about the Oilers for a minute since.

You'd be wrong.

Maybe I'm not what anyone expects me to be. But hey, I like the unexpected. Isn't it worth surprising people once in a while?


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